
Congressman to Zuck: ‘What Is Unsafe About Two Black Women Supporting President Donald J. Trump?’

‘The specifics of this situation I’m not as up to speed on as I probably would be if I didn’t have a hearing today’
By Grabien Staff


LONG: "If I was you, a little bit of advice -- Congress is good at two things, doing nothing and overreacting. So far, we've done nothing on Facebook since your inception in that Harvard dorm room many years ago. We've done nothing on Facebook. We're getting ready to overreact, so just take that as a shot across the bow warning to you. You've got a good outfit there on your front row behind you that are very right folks. You're Harvard educated. I have a Yale hat that cost me $160,000. That's as close as I ever got to an ivy league school. But I'd like to show you right now a little picture here. Do you recognize these folks?" 
LONG: "Who are they?" 
ZUCKERBERG: "I believe -- is that diamond and silk?" 
LONG: "That is diamond and silk, two biological sisters from north Carolina. I might point out they're African-American. And their content was deemed by your folks to be unsafe. So you know, I don't know what type of a picture this is, if it was taken in a police station or what, in a lineup, but apparently, it had been deemed unsafe. Diamond and silk have a question for you, and that question is, what is unsafe about two black women supporting president Donald J. Trump?" 
ZUCKERBERG: "Well, congressman, nothing is unsafe about that. The specifics of this situation I'm not as up to speed on as I probably would be if I didn't have a hearing today that --" 
LONG: "You have 20,000 employees as you said to check content, and I would suggest as good as you are with analytics that those 20,000 people use some analytical research and find out how many conservative websites have been pulled down and how many liberal websites. One of our talk show hosts at home, Nick Reid this morning on the radio said that if diamond and silk were liberal, they'd be on the late-night talk show circuit back and forth. They're humorous. They have their opinion, not that you have to agree or that I have to agree, do agree or don't agree with them. But the fact that they're conservative. And just remember, if you don't remember anything else from this hearing today, remember, we do nothing and we overreact, and we're getting ready to overreact, so I would suggest you go home and review all these other things people have accused you of today, get with your team team behind you. You're the guy to fix this. We're not. You need to save your ship. Thank you." 

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