
Conway: The Media Interfered in the Election by Telling Us Hillary Was a ‘Shoo-In’

‘Let’s be frank, you know who interfered with the election? The mainstream media by telling us all that Hillary Clinton was a shoe in’
By Grabien Staff

BOLLING: "Will Donald Trump, president Donald Trump, make sweeping changes to the leadership?"
CONWAY: "The one thing that Donald Trump said today as president-elect, I think it’s very important in his statement, Eric, he will convene his own panel. In nine days, he will take action. He wants to talk to his own advisors about what makes sense moving forward. A lot of people are just looking back to the selection. I’m so struck by the number of people that talk about how the following things happen. Russia hacked and Hillary Clinton lost. Pretending to not make an axis when in fact, they are. It’s been talked about on Fox News how the DNC was hacked, the Pentagon was hacked, the White House was hacked, wives are ready and this upward when 21 million records were hacked and our office and personnel management basically a government origin? Conventional records of Americans, what was the punishment then question our comedy operatives were expelled? Who was up in arms? We are against any interference, but at the same time, people try to over politicize this in a way, you can’t of them excited to talk about hate crimes against a disabled white boy in Chicago, you can’t get them excited to talk about the fact that minorities promise to distract every Supreme Court justice we put in front of them and slow walk our cabinet nominees. President Obama had seven confirmed on inauguration day. President George W. Bush had some confirmed as well. That should really get this country up in arms about interfering with democracy. Let’s be frank, you know who interfered with the election, the mainstream media by telling us all that Hillary Clinton was a shoe in."

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