
Conway on Trump, Melania: ‘The Country Should See What’s in Their Heart, Not What’s on Their Feet’

‘That all aside, the Trumps also have donated $1 million’
By Grabien Staff

CONWAY: “The country should see what’s in their heart, not what’s on their feet. Most people cut through that peevish pettiness. That all aside, the Trumps also have donated $1 million, encouraging everyone else who feels they can help in any way, whether you are on ground, helping those who are affected, you can donate money, donate blood, help get people the information they need. I think that’s one of the greatest resources that the media can provide right now, connecting people with the information they need, how to access disaster relief, how to access transportation, fresh water as you were saying. This is something you can do no matter where you are, across the country. The White House continues to also be a great resource in connecting people with websites, links with 1-800-numbers, if you have access to a working telephone."

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