
Conway: The WHO Lied About the Origins of the Virus in Wuhan

‘They lied about that or weren’t transparent about that’
By Grabien Staff


CONWAY: “Well, that’s all out in the public domain, everything that you have just said. First, let me take it — the WHO Funding. This is a president who recognizes that our country, ladies and gentlemen, you the taxpayers have paid 830-some million dollars over the last two years to the WHO. China paid 10 percent of that. China, France, Italy and India combined paid about one tenth what the United States of America has paid into the World Health Organization. It’s meant to coordinate responses and keep an eye on things, particularly in the case of infectious diseases for the entire world. So we pay into that, and is it so much to ask the minor dividend, the minor return on our investment is for the WHO to be honest about the origins of the virus in Wuhan, about the fact that it was human-to-human transmission? They lied about that or weren’t transparent about that. So this is about transparency and accountability, because we have been so hard hit in this country and we were listening to the health professionals around the world.”

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