
Cornell Belcher: Biden’s Age and Wisdom Have Moved ‘Transformative Pieces of Legislation That No President Has Ever Been Able To Do Before’

‘In a lot of ways, Biden is even better positioned than Obama was in the story that he has to tell’
By Grabien Staff


BELCHER: "Being on the show. I want to – pause over around the polling, all of the polling going on right now. Polling is going to, change and it’s going to constantly. Change you know it’s going to change? They’re probably going to change close to a billion dollars in this election cycle to move those numbers around. If you look at where Biden is right, now he’s not that dramatically different from where the president – who I worked on was at this time, in 2011. Obama was running behind Mitt Romney, and tied or running behind the whole cast of characters who were running at that time. – I don’t worry so much about what the poll numbers are going to separate, now because those – what I focus on is what the story is. What is the narrative that Biden has to tell the American people over the next year if you’re so. To be truthful, I worked for, Obama but in a lot of ways, Biden is even better positioned than Obama was in the story than it has to tell. He does have a story to tell about his old age, you know what his age and wisdom has been able to do.”

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