
Cornell Belcher: When Suburban White Moms Are as Afraid as Urban Moms Are, They Change Congress

‘I think this is changing’
By Grabien Staff


BELCHER: "And then nothing happens, right? This is a town run by lobbyists, for better or worse, right? And there’s millions upon millions of dollars poured into this around the gun lobby, which explains a lot of why nothing happens. I’m going read you a couple numbers, chuck. And you know these numbers. 68% of Americans, from pew, ban assault weapons. 71% support a government database to track sales, including a majority of, in fact, gun owners. There’s widespread support for this. This is not a 50/50 sort of proposition where it’s just the people on the coast or the urban areas. My last point on this. The problem has been suburban moms, right? This has not been a central voting issue for them the way it has been for a lot of our voters in the rural areas. For them, health care affordability, education issues have been front and center for their voting. I think this is changing, chuck. When suburban, white moms are as fearful and afraid of their kids coming home as urban moms are, they change Congress."

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