
Cotton: ‘There Is Nothing Classified About Eric Swalwell’s Fundraising Practices or His Social Life’

‘Eric Swalwell and Nancy Pelosi do need to answer these questions’
By Grabien Staff

SMITH: “I want to move on now to what we’re learning about Eric Swalwell, the Democrat in the House of Representatives. Chris Stewart was on with us earlier and he was saying about that suspected spy this wasn’t the girl next door. Listen.”

[Clip starts]

STEWART: “This wasn’t some nice girl that he grew up with next door. This was a Chinese citizen who was a hyper aggressive in developing relationships with politicians. We know that she helped him get reelected. ... There’s all sorts of questions here that beg to be answered.”

[Clip ends]

SMITH: “On this story, senator, your thoughts.”

COTTON: “Eric Swalwell and Nancy Pelosi do need to answer these questions. You know, I know that Eric Swalwell is hiding behind the cloak of classified information, Sandra. I’m on the Intelligence Committee and I’ve been around the block. I can tell you there is nothing classified about Eric Swalwell’s fundraising practices or his social life. Until he comes forward and has a thorough and complete explanation for what happened then he should not sit on the House Intelligence Committee and have access to classified information. And Nancy Pelosi needs to answer what she knew and when she knew it. If Eric Swalwell is briefed about this woman in 2015, surely Nancy Pelosi, the House leader, a member of the Gang of Eight which has access to the most classified secrets of our nation’s government knew it was well. Yet, she kept him on the house intelligence committee for five years. They both have a lot of questions to answer and they need to do so in public today.”

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