
Cruz: ‘Hillary Has Picked Donald Trump’ as Her Vice President

‘She wanted someone who shared her vision of the federal government’
By Grabien Staff

Ted Cruz, anticipating a string of losses tonight, shook things up with a "major announcement" related to the search for a running mate.

"Hillary Clinton has decided on her vice presidential nominee," Cruz said. "Hillary has picked Donald Trump."

Cruz joked that Trump and Clinton share so much in common, it was a natural selection:

Now, it's important to note Hillary had a very careful vetting process that went into this. She wanted someone who shared her vision of the federal government. You know, Donald Trump did recently a town hall and he was asked name of the top functions of the federal government. He said security and then he said health care, education and housing. Funny, if you asked Hillary she would say the same thing. If you ask Bernie, Bernie would say wow, that's aggressive. You don't only want socialized medicine, you also want to put the federal government in charge of all education, common core. According to Donald that's the core responsibility of the federal government. And housing? How many people are ready for the federal government taking over the housing market?

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