
Cuban: ‘I Think We Can Do a Better Version’ of Single Payer Healthcare

‘Just because we don’t like the way we’re paying for it now, doesn’t mean those costs are going to go away, they won’t’
By Grabien Staff

Famed entrepreneur, businessman and TV host, Marc Cuban, says he favors single-payer as a solution for America's health-care system. The NBA owner appeared Thursday on Fox Business. Here's an excerpt:

WEBSTER: "Are you a single pair kind of guy --"
CUBAN: "I lean in that direction."
WEBSTER: "-- like a British National Health Service or something like that?"
CUBAN: "I think we can do a better version and here is why though. Because prior to ObamaCare, it wasn't like ObamaCare wasn't in the cards and it wasn't being discussed. The entire health care industry, the entire insurance industry had the opportunity to come up with a solution and offer a solution and they didn't, right? They just stood back and did nothing and they got what they got."

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