
Dan Patrick: ‘Biden Is Nothing More than a Prop of the Left, He Has No Idea’ What’s Going on at Border

‘We’ve already arrested nearly 1,000 criminals in the first two months of the years just in the Texas sector’
By Grabien Staff


PATRICK: “What really makes it bad is that there is no end in sight. There is no end in sight to these people who are coming over the border. We are talking about millions of people who are being victimized by the Biden administration. And by the way, their border patrol agents have not, to my knowledge, been vaccinated. We’re vaccinating our people down there. And so they are susceptible. Their own government employees are susceptible to getting any disease or illness that’s coming over. We know healthcare is bad in Central America. We’ve already arrested nearly 1,000 criminals in the first two months of the year just in the Texas sector. It is absolute disaster and President Biden is nothing more than a prop of the left. He has no idea what’s going on down there.”

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