
Dana White on Partnership with Bud Light: I’m Looking at All the ‘Good Things’ They Do, ‘Thousands of Vets Work For Them’

‘I want to be with somebody that I’m aligned with’
By Grabien Staff


WHITE: “And going into this deal, you know, I know all the controversy and everything else, but for myself, going into a long-term deal with another sponsor, I wanted to be with somebody that I’m actually aligned with. I know people are — were upset with what they did, but I’m looking at all the good things that they do. They employ 65,000 Americans. They have thousands of vets that work for them. They spent $700 million a year with U.S. farmers using their crops to make their products and many, many, other great things that Anheuser-Busch had done in this country. And those are the things that I am focused on. When I look at a long-term sponsor that's going to be — we are going to do a six-year deal here. I want to be with somebody that I’m aligned with. All those things that I just mentioned to you are what I’m all about. And not to mention they have this thing called Folds of Honor. I’m very big into law enforcement and military. Over the last I don’t know how many years, they have spent like $45 million taking care of the servicemen and first responders who have died, taken care of their families, scholarships for their kids and things like that. So I am very aligned with Anheuser-Busch."

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