
David Henderson on Trump Georgia Case: ‘A Jury Doesn’t Need a Good Case, a Jury Needs a Bad Guy to Convict’

‘There are an infinite number of ways that she can prove that former President Trump is exactly that when this goes to trial’
By Grabien Staff

HENDERSON: "The January six proceedings, and if your lawyer like me, you’re thinking this evidence is overwhelmingly bad. But how are you going to get you talk about it all in the case. A lot of it isn’t admissible. But Fani Willis said it best herself, the RICO statute allows you to tell the jury the entire story of what happened. Whereas over-acts like Giuliani attacking Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss would normally be inadmissible, in a RICO case, you can talk about all of it. And the reason that’s important is because a jury doesn’t need a good case, a jury needs a bad guy to convict. And there are an infinite number of ways that she can prove that former President Trump is exactly that when this goes to trial."

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