
David Jolly: ‘The Instant Access to Guns, the Ability of Anybody to Buy a Gun Is Absolutely Foolish’

‘We have to crush the culture of guns in the United States’
By Grabien Staff


JOLLY: “Big stuff. Look, first we have to crush the culture of guns in the United States. The instant access to guns, the ability of anybody to buy a gun is absolutely foolish. It’s an absolutely foolish thing. And I realize the Second Amendment advocates are going to say oh, Jolly, that’s unconstitutional. That’s not true. Look, it can take weeks to get a security clearance. Before we give somebody the ability to engage in some type of insurrection against the United States, to use information of the United States, to hurt a community, to do something, it takes time. Why do we say that we get instant access to guns simply because the Second Amendment says you have a right to a gun? It doesn’t say you have a right to a gun an hour from now. It doesn’t say you have a right to walk into Walmart and buy a gun and buy ammunition. It doesn’t say, if you’re in a psychiatric ward, you should have the opportunity to go buy a gun. It’s absolutely foolish.”

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