
Dean: ‘Un-American’ Voter Integrity Commission ‘a Fraudulent Commission Run by Frauds’

‘The young and the black and the brown are being deprived of their votes under this administration’
By Grabien Staff


REID: "Governor Dean what should Democrats do regarding this commission?"
DEAN: "I think we should first of all, remove New Hampshire from its status as the first in the nation primary. Because they were already suppressing all student votes from people who are going to Dartmouth, the University of New Hampshire. If they're not, if they have another license, driver's license. This is outrageous. First thing. Second thing, this is being litigated all over the country. It should be. Third of all, call it what it is. A fraudulent commission run by frauds. The vice president of the United States is involved in this commission. This administration believes that the way to win for Republicans is not to allow a large number of people to vote. The young and the black and the brown are being deprived of their votes under this administration. It's wrong, un-American and not in keeping with a healthy democracy."

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