
Dershowitz: Assange’s Case Can Use the Pentagon Papers Case Defense

‘It factually is a very weak indictment but it doesn’t indict him for publishing classified materials’
By Grabien Staff


DERSHOWITZ: “Yes, in fact I just wrote a column called “Is this the next Pentagon papers case?” I represented a Mike Covell. If they indicted him for merely publishes classified materials, this would be the Pentagon paper’s case modern version. But they were clever. They indicted him on a questionable basis for encouraging Manning to try to get information for asking Manning for the first part of a pass word into a computer. It factually is a very weak indictment but it doesn’t indict him for publishing classified materials. One of the reasons, Great Britain wouldn’t extradite someone for publishing information. If the allegation is conspiracy to try to essentially hack a government computer by getting into the password, then that might pass the level for extradition. This is going to take a long time. He’s going to fight it. One question is, where does he stay while he’s fighting it if he’s in prison all that thyme or — ”

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