
Dershowitz: I Am Now up to ‘Four Bananas’ on America’s Banana Republic Meter

‘You can’t expand the RICO statute’
By Grabien Staff


DERSHOWITZ: “But the idea is we’re all part of the United States, and we have one rule for Democrats, one rule for Republicans, one rule for Martha’s Vineyard, one rule for Nantucket, one rule for Georgia. And you cannot start making crimes out of things that the Democrats did, Tilden/Hayes, John Kennedy election, 2000 election, 2016 election, Jamie Raskin gets up and does some of the same things. These are political actions that the Constitution prefers us to take rather than going out on the streets and rioting. We're supposed to go to court. We're supposed to go to Congress. You can’t make those things crimes and you can’t expand the RICO statute to now include political objections that just — you know, on my podcast, I give bananas every day. I was up to two bananas, sort of banana republic. I’m now up to three, maybe even four after this indictment."

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