
Dershowitz: I’m Shocked How Liberals Stretch Existing Laws and Talk About Treason with No Evidence

‘Collusion is not a crime unless it’s committing a criminal act’
By Grabien Staff


DERSHOWITZ: "I’m shocked as a civil libertarian how liberals are prepared to stretch existing laws and talk about treason and other kinds of crimes that just don’t exist when it comes to the facts as we know them about this meeting. So I’m going to keep insisting we stop accusing people of crime when there is no evidence of crime. Judge Jeanine: Let me be a little more specific. Under the campaign finance laws, there is a claim that if you get something of value — and they are alleging information from a value from a foreign national could be stretched out to mean words, is that something that’s ever been prosecuted?" 
PIRRO: "Of course not. If it were to be prosecuted the first amendment would trump. Candidate has a right to get information from whatever source the information comes it’s like the “New York Times” publishing the Pentagon papers or the Washington Post publishing material stolen by Snowden and manning. You don’t prosecute the newspaper and you don’t prosecute the candidate or the cad’s son. If the material was obtained unlawfully you prosecute if you can the people who obtain the material. But there is a first amendment right of a candidate to use information. You can’t include information under the campaign finance law, that would be unconstitutional." 
PIRRO: "Let’s talk about treason. How can they even use the word treason in you have got Nancy Pelosi and the rest of them. Nancy Pelosi said after these latest revelations it’s clear we suffered a desecration of our democracy conclusion has been proven." 
DERSHOWITZ: "Collusion is not a crime unless it’s committing a criminal act. But the treason thing upsets me. When we with wrote our constitution the British were using treason broadly against their kings. So the writers of the Constitution put a very narrow definition of treason. It is waging war against the United States. It’s inconceivable that anybody with knowledge of the Constitution or American history would argue a private citizen by securing information from for a campaign created treason. We ought to stop talking about it. We are miseducating American people. We are mix educating young people. Young people could to me and say is it really treason? Young people are looking at the Constitution these days. A kid asked me about the emollients clause. She thought it was a facial cream. So we are going to learn a lesson. But it’s so dangerous to democracy to throw around these criminal law terms and accuse people willy-nilly it was just as bad in my view when they did it to Hillary Clinton when they yelled lock her up and tried to expand the espionage clause." 
PIRRO: "Because we need to go, I want to tell everyone there is no doubt you are an equal opportunity critic. Tell us the name your upcoming book." 

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