
Dershowitz on Trump Dossier: Gathering Negative Info Isn’t a Crime, It’s as Old as Jefferson

‘Republicans and Democrats are playing the same dangerous game’
By Grabien Staff


HUNTSMAN: "Welcome back well now that we know the Clinton campaign and the DNC help helped pay for the fake trump dossier did Hillary Clinton help break the law because of her involvement?" 
HEGSETH: "Alan Dershowitz is an attorney and life long Democrat and he joins us now back to the question professor were laws broken potentially and what happened here?" 
DERSHOWITZ: "I think the Republicans and Democrats are playing the same dangerous game. If they don’t like something they say crime, lock her up, lock him up, impeach. That’s not the way this works. There is no crime to create a dossier unless somebody said to somebody else do something criminal. Hack the Democratic National Committee. Do something illegal, but just gathering negative information, it’s not a crime. It’s as old as tomorrow as Jefferson." 
HUNTSMAN: "Where do Democrats go now because their main argument they’ve been pushing this dossier, we now know its been funded by a Democrat. What happens to the argument?" 
DERSHOWITZ: "You know, what’s bad for one party is bad for another party. The Democrats have dug themselves into a hole. They’ve been arguing over and over again that what Trump did was illegal. Now people coming back saying what the Democrats did was illegal. I’ve been taking the position I wrote a book about it called trumped up in which I think the position neither side committed crimes. There never should have been a special council appointed. There should have been an independent bipartisan commission that we’re hearing about so much like the 9/11 commission let them look into whether there was any collaboration between either side, all Americans have a right to know that but this finger pointing and lock them up has to stop because it endangers our constitution, our civil liberties and the rule of law."

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