
Dershowitz Urges Donors to Stop Donating to Harvard: Students Have Been ‘Responsible for the Worst Blood Baths in History’

‘I know that anti-Semitism continued to exist in different forms over the decades to follow’
By Grabien Staff


DERSHOWITZ: “What’s going to correct only one biggest going to correct that you get more drew Jewish order to give money to arbor. That’s seems to curb our we have to Jewish donors threatened to cut off any funding. Let’s arbor these kids buying these statements, while people were still bleeding to death from the rapes and murders, these are Hitler’s use. These are the same as the people who conducted kristallnacht eighty five years ago. We are the same people who support sure they aren’t told us to come to power. Students have been responsible for some of the worst. What bats abuses in history, stalin relied on? Children, Hitler relied on college students, there’s no excuse user wears wrong sort of, and president of Harvard refuses to condemn them. She’s now, finally, have a lot of pressure in willing to condemn Hamas, but she’s not willing to condemn it was use among her. Students are among the family and until she goes that I urge everybody to stop contributing to Harvard Yale. So the city university of New York to the university of Pennsylvania send your contributions to decent organizations that know the difference between right and wrong.”

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