
DeSantis at Florida Freedom Summit: ‘We Are the Freest State in All of These United States!’

‘The free state of Florida!’
By Grabien Staff


DESANTIS: “Thank you! Thank you for coming! Wait a minute, can we get rid of these teleprompters? You know, we have a president, we don’t even know who the president is, who’s ever loading the teleprompter. No, I don’t think we need that in Florida. Let’s get those done. You got to speak from the heart! (cheers and applause) It’s not about reading off a teleprompter. We are the freest state in all of these United States! The free state of Florida! We have set the standard on so many things, that when things go wrong in other states, in other cities around this country, the first place people think to escape for refuge is right here in the Sunshine State.”

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