
DeSantis, Hannity Press Newsom to Answer Why Californians Migrate to Florida: Newsom’s Father-in-Law Is One of Them

‘Pretty slick way of not answering your question’
By Grabien Staff


DESANTIS: “So I was talking to a fellow who had made the move from California to Florida and he was telling me that Florida is much better governed, safer, better budget, lower taxes, all this stuff. And he was really happy with the quality of life. And then he paused and he said, ‘And oh, by the way, I’m Gavin Newsom’s father-in-law.’ So we do count Gavin’s in-laws as some of the people that have fled California and come to the state of Florida. And why are we getting people to come? We have a 50-year low in the crime rate. In the last 10 years we’ve had a 45 percent decline in homelessness. California has had a 45 percent increase in homelessness. We back the blue. I was walking the streets of San Francisco a couple months ago, and I had some of the cops in San Francisco do a beeline to come over to me and I didn’t know what they were going to say. And they were like, ‘We want to thank you for standing for law enforcement because we don’t get that support in the state of California.’ So people understand quality of life matters.”

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