
DeSantis: I Am a Leader, I’m Not an Entertainer, I’m Not Running a Soap Opera Down Here

‘The results speak for themselves’
By Grabien Staff


DeSANTIS: “What they have in D.C. is theatrics, it’s performative, but it doesn’t actually produce results for people. In Florida, I'm a leader, I’m not an entertainer, I’m not running a soap opera down here. I make promises to people and then I use the authority that I have and I work with the legislature to deliver the promises. So the results speak for themselves. While they have added massive amounts to the debt, I’ve paid down 25% of our state's total debt just since I've been governor, over the last four and a half years. We’ve cut taxes, we've run surpluses, we’re ranked number one by your network for economy, of all 50  states, number one in education by U.S. News and World Report. We’ve taken on big issues like school choice, we've gone after ESG, we've even reformed higher education. So it’s really about leadership, but the leadership has to be focused on producing results. Politics and governance is not a show, and what we’ve seen in Washington over the last week, to me, is a show. I don’t see the results that they’re delivering, even though they all ran saying they were going to do these great things in 2022."

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