
DeSantis on a Debate with Gavin Newsom on Hannity: ‘Absolutely, I’m Game’

‘Let’s get it done’
By Grabien Staff


DeSANTIS: "Absolutely, I’m game. Let’s get it done. Just tell me when and where, we'll do it. And here is the thing, Sean. I mean, in one respect, the debate between California and Florida, you know, has already been had, as you suggest. People have been voting on that. They have been voting on it with their feet. They have fled California in record numbers, Florida has been the number one state for net in-migration. We have the number one ranked economy, number one now in education, crime rate at a 50-year low. But in another sense, this is the debate for the future of our country. Because you have people like Joe Biden, they would love to see the Californication of the United States. Biden may not even be the nominee. You could have Gavin Newsom. You could have Kamala Harris. And I think if we go down that direction, that is going to accelerate American decline. We can’t see America decline anymore. We need to reverse American decline."

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