
DeSantis on Being Nikki Haley’s Running Mate: ‘I Am Not Going to Accept That Under Any Circumstances’

‘We need somebody that can win and get the job done’
By Grabien Staff


CAVUTO: “Having said that, though, in the middle of all of this, Nikki Haley said that she would maybe consider you as a possible vice presidential running mate. What did you think of that?”

DESANTIS: “Well, I can tell you, I am not going to accept that under any circumstances. You know, I’m running for president — “

CAVUTO: “Really?”

DESANTIS: “— because I think we need somebody that can win and get the job done. But I would much rather do my final two years as governor, ’25 and ’26, than be vice president. I don’t think it’s a position that offers much. I want to make an impact, Neil.”

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