
DeSantis on Biden Sending Aid to Palestine: Do We Want to Be Funding Hamas While They’re Holding Hostages?

‘And they basically said that that’s likely to be the case’
By Grabien Staff


DeSANTIS: "But you also had someone on CNN from the White House where the anchor said, you know, 'How are you going to be sure this doesn’t go to Hamas?' And they’re like, 'Well, you know, it’s not something we can necessarily be sure of.' And then they went, 'Okay, so Hamas is going to get this.' And they basically said that that’s likely to be the case. Hamas runs the streets there. So, if they're going to be doing it, a lot of that money’s going to help Hamas. So the question is, is that what you want to be doing when you have people that are being held hostage, Americans and a lot of Israelis are being held hostage? Hamas can release all these hostages now. If they released all the hostages and did an unconditional surrender to Israel, then you could have all the aid you want. But as long as Hamas is going to control that money, you know, that is not something that is in the best interest of the United States of America."

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