
Devin Nunes: We Have Clear Evidence of Collusion ... Between the Dem Party, Hillary, and Russia

‘It’s not between Trump campaign’
By Grabien Staff


CAVUTO: "We continue to plot along and do our job under unsurmountable pressure from all sides, we have a a media that refuses to cover the issue at all. We have serious abuses that occurred in the FISA court against Trump campaign. We will bring those back forward as we see them and what I sent out a couple of days ago was a letter to attorney general Jeff Sessions and Horowitz, the ig, where we are on the investigation and what they should be looking at as far as FISA abuse. I was taxpayer to see attorney general Jeff Sessions appoint harowitz because we welcome more people investigating the serious issues. Neil: You don’t agree with the president that he’s not happy that he appointed Mr. Harowitz. That’s the inspector general?"
NUNES: "Look, I welcome anybody to come help investigation because so far it’s only the house intelligence committee Republicans who are actually doing anything to get to the bottom of who was colluding with Russia. The more we peel this back, we have clear evidence of collusion it’s not between Trump campaign, it’s between the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton campaign and Russians."

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