
Diane Black: ‘This Is Not the First Time’ I Have Received Death Threats

‘I believe in building the wall’
By Grabien Staff


BLACK: "I can’t talk about the details except to say that they were threats and they were serious enough threats that the grand jury did take action. And I will tell you this is not the first time and it probably won’t be the last time that when people get angry and they do and say things that are threatening, but I believe in what the president wants to do in protecting our border. I believe in building the wall and I believe in holding people accountable that come to our country illegally and I’m never going to back down on that. This is something that we as legislators know in the business, this is not the first time. This can happen and yet I love what I do and so I’m willing to be there when I have to be there to say the tough things."

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