
Don Calloway: Obama Should Be on Mt. Rushmore

‘Because he is like, almost on  Mount Rushmore for most Democrats —‘
By Grabien Staff


INGRAHAM: "How about family?"
CALLOWAY: "It has family issues. Ultimately it has all of these systemic and endemic issues that contribute to poverty. Poverty is the father of crime. And we won't have crime reduced by having more police on the street —"  
INGRAHAM: “What is your answer to poverty? We had eight years of Obama, two incredible terms — “
CALLOWAY: “You’ve brought up President Obama more than one time.”
INGRAHAM: “I bring it up because he is, like, almost on Mount Rushmore for most Democrats —“
CALLOWAY: “And he should be. President Obama saw 80 months of consecutive job growth.” 

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