
Don Lemon: Give Media Time to Stop Talking About Trump, It’s Like a Break Up

‘We’ve got to get the other president out of our phone contacts’
By Grabien Staff


LEMON: "Okay. So I’m just going to — this is like, give us a while here in the news media. Because you know, we have to, we’ve got to learn how to quit the other person. Right? It’s like a break-up. We’ve got to get the other president out of our phone contacts so we can stop talking about it. Right now he's flailing, everything is flailing, flailing, flailing. I’m just here to tell you, it’s going to be okay. He’s just flailing. And if you’re concerned about can he hand over the keys and national security — it has implications that he doesn’t want to do it, but guess what, here’s what you need to know. Joe Biden has been there before. Okay? So it’s going to be fine. He has Barack Obama to rely on. He’s got the national security folks around him, really smart people. People who believe in America and not just someone going, 'I don’t wanna go, I don’t want to go.' So for a little bit, if you’ll bear with us, we’ve got to talk about the infant, 'I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go!' He’s going to have to go. That’s it. He’s out. He’s no longer president in January. He lost. He is the loser. He was fired.” 

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