
Don Lemon: Trump ‘May Not Know the Degree of His Racism’

‘Even some people who are in the Ku Klux Klan don’t think they are racist’
By Grabien Staff


LEMON: "That is Cedrick Richmond who is from my hometown. And I’ll let his words stand for themselves. And listen, as I said, all you have to do is look at the evidence, but here’s what bothers me about what has happened, especially over the last couple of days, because this has been happening for the last few years. He started with the birther movement in 2011. But when someone comes on our air and say, I don’t want to call someone a name, I’m not a name caller, because we have more important things that we have to attend to.

"Well, for people who look like me and for people who look like Cedrick and for people who look like Cornell, and for women on — for Kately and for Muslims and people underserved in minorities, we don’t have that priority. It is the utmost importance to us to be able to get a job, to be treated equally under the Constitution.

"That’s a priority to us and a pretty high priority. So we don’t get to prioritize racism and discrimination at a lower level. So I’m sick of people coming on the air saying, we have more important things to attend to. No, this is important as well. And the other people who say, well, I don’t know what is in someone’s heart. I don’t know what is in a Klan member’s heart. All I know is what the evidence shows, it is what they tell me. They tell me they are racist, they exhibit racist behavior. And guess what? Even some people who are in the Ku Klux Klan don’t think they are racist. They think it’s their right to be treated better than other people. They don’t think that is racist. So it may be a possibility that this president, it doesn’t matter if it is or not, that this president may not know the degree of his racism."

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