
Doocy To Press Sec. Psaki: ‘Why Is It that There Are Still Americans Stranded in Afghanistan?’

‘The United States does not track or put a tracker on American citizens traveling overseas’
By Grabien Staff


DOOCY: "Thank you, Jen. Why is it that there are still Americans stranded in Afghanistan?"

PSAKI: "Well, I think — let me just reiterate something that Tony Blinken said back in August, which is that if Americans who are in Afghanistan wanted to leave, whether it was three weeks from now, a month from now, two months from now, back in August, we would help them get out. And that is something that we have delivered on our word on. I would note that since that time, we have directly assisted 479 American citizens, 450 lawful permanent residents and SIV holders and SIV applicants to depart Afghanistan. That was — that's important to convey because it's important for people to understand who were there that even if they decided not to return, they decided not to today. We are still going to help them depart and there's evidence of that."

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