
Doris Kearns Goodwin: Trump Supporters ‘Lost the Sense of a Collective Identity of Who We Are as a People’

‘And what values are we promoting’
By Grabien Staff


KEARNS GOODWIN: “I mean, I think it says that we've lost a sense of a collective identity of who we are as a people. What values are we promoting? What values do we care about? Think about the people we want as our leaders, and just look at that as -- as sort of a template for President Trump. Humility, people will acknowledge errors and learn from their mistake. Empathy, people who understand other people's points of view. Resilience to come through adversity. Accountability, kindness, compassion, and ambition for something larger than themselves not for themselves. Those are the leaders that have led us. And that means the citizens respect those kinds of leaders. Only in the 1850s did we find a situation really, where there was such polarization that truth was not -- truth was in question. You read only a partisan paper, everything fact was different if you were in the south or in the north. Your heroes in the south were different from the north, and look where that led us. So we've got to figure out a way to come back together again, to understand what truth is, to understand what law is, to understand the kind of leaders we want that -- that represent our values. It's character above all that we need right now in public life.”


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