
Dowd: Capitol Riot Is Worse than 9/11 Because It Continues to ‘Rip’ America Apart

‘America will never be destroyed from outside, America will destroy itself’


DOWD: "I absolutely agree with you, Joy. I think it is much worse than it was on January 6th. It's much worse than it was in November. It's much worse after January 6th. And part of the problem is, is because there’s been no accountability it’s given permission to do more of this. And not only is it given permission to just average people out there who might do crazy things, it’s allowed the Republicans just to continue this big lie that they’ve pushed across. Yesterday I was in Kentucky. I decided to go to Lincoln’s birthplace and his boyhood home, and I was reflecting about it because one of the things Lincoln said was, 'America will never be destroyed from outside, America will destroy itself.' I think that’s what I fear about right now. One of the things, if you think about this, what would happen if after 9/11 we had done nothing? Think about that, if we had done nothing after 9/11. And to me, though there was less loss of life on January 6th, January 6th was worse than 9/11 because it’s continued to rip our country apart and give permission for people to pursue autocratic means. So, I think we’re in a much worse place than we've been, and as I've said — I think to you — before, I think we’re in the most perilous point in time since 1861 and the advent of the Civil War."

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