
Dr. Atlas Compares Fauci’s Failed Covid Policies to Flat Earth Theory

‘It’s shocking that the question even has to be asked at this point’
By Grabien Staff


ATLAS: “When do we admit that the person in charge of the policy, Dr. Fauci, his advice has been wrong and a failure? His advice was followed and it failed to stop the spread of infection, it failed to stop people from dying, and it killed and destroyed millions, including sacrificing our children. That policy was a failure, yet somehow this person is given credence when he says we have to go and re-institute his own policies that have failed. We have to realize also that the western European countries are pure countries even with their case numbers going up. Given that these cases are very, very low lethality, they have — they are eliminating their restrictions. Their cases are going up, yet places like the U.K., Switzerland, and elsewhere in western Europe, are realizing that most people have had the infection, have natural protection, and the overwhelming percentage of people have had the vaccines as well, and so they are stripping away these edicts that are ineffective and failed. At some point, if we keep going back to that, we are going to be known as the flat-earth nation."

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