
Dr. Natalie Azar: CDC Wants People to Get Flu Shot and Covid Shot Every Year at the Same Time; ‘It Makes Things Easier’

‘The recommendation is going to very likely be to get a Covid shot annually at the same time as we get our flu shots’
By Grabien Staff


AZAR: “From a public health perspective and from a communication perspective from the CDC, they went to streamline it so that people have this idea, oh it’s time for my flu shot, let me get my Covid shot every year at the same time. It makes things easier. From a biological perspective, that’s not necessarily the most practical approach. Look, we’re having a surge right now, we’re having a wave in the summer. We don’t see that with flu, but in terms of making it easier for everybody streamlining it, yes, the recommendation is going to very likely be to get a Covid shot annually at the same time as we get our flu shots.”

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