
Dr. Phil McGraw: ‘We’ve Got Too Many People Pushing for Equality of Outcome Independent of Input’

‘Equality of opportunity, I’m all over that’
By Grabien Staff


McGRAW: “This country was built on hard work, talent, added value — merit. That you do something that merits.
And it’s — and we’ve got — we’ve got too many people pushing for equality of outcome, independent of input. I mean, come on, if you got some guy sitting home in a bean bag eating cheetos, and he gets the same outcome as somebody out busting their ass all day long, that’s not a good deal."
FALLON: "Wow. Yeah."
McGRAW: "Equality of opportunity, I’m all over that. We need to work towards that. But equality of outcome, I don’t get it. I don’t get it."

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