
Drucker: Trump Could Do a Lot to Undo His Russia Problems if He’d Just Stop Excusing Putin’s Behavior

‘The president could do a lot to undo his problems vis-à-vis Russia if he would just simply get tough with Russia’
By Grabien Staff


CAMEROTA: “Chris has pointed out that there is a distinction between WikiLeaks hacking into somebody’s e-mail which is illegal but that’s not classified information I suppose, and the leaking of classified information which is where we are now.”
DRUCKER: “Right. But this all gets back I think to the root of a poisonous fruit here when it comes to hacking and Russia for the president of the United States. I think the president could do a lot to undo his problems vis-à-vis Russia if he would just simply get tough with Russia and stop excusing Vladimir Putin’s bad behavior.” 

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