
Dylan Mulvaney Vacationing in Peru Says She Feels Sad that She Had to Leave America to Feel Safe

‘That will get better eventually’
By Grabien Staff


MULVANEY: “Hi, is this an okay time? Okay, surprise! I’m in Peru. And I’m at Machu Picchu. Isn’t this just so beautiful? I’m here by myself, and I used to do a ton of solo travelling. I’m telling you, it’s the best. If you could ever do a solo trip somewhere, it is such a good way to get to know yourself better. But I came here to feel something. You know what I mean? And I definitely have. I’ve done shaman ceremonies that were like 10 years worth of therapy. It was wild. I’ve seen a lot of llamas and the people here are so kind. I feel very safe here. It’s a little sad that I had to leave my country to feel safe, but that will get better eventually.”

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