
E. Jean Carroll Tells Maddow ‘We’ll Go Shopping’ with Trump’s Money, Her Lawyer Interjects ‘That’s a Joke’

‘Penthouse in France?’
By Grabien Staff


CARROLL: "I have such, such great ideas for all the good I’m going to do with this money. First thing, Rachel, you and I are going to go shopping. We’re going get completely new wardrobes, new shoes, motorcycle for Crowley, new fishing rod for Robbie. Rachel, what do you want? Penthouse? It’s yours, Rachel!"
MADDOW: "Nothing.
CARROLL: "Penthouse? And France? You want France? You want to go fishing in France?"
MADDOW: "No. (Laughs)"
CARROLL: "No? All right, all right."
CROWLEY: "That’s a joke."

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