
Eagle Pass Mayor: ‘100%,’ President Biden Bears Responsibility for Illegal Immigration Crisis

‘I haven’t heard from anybody in the administration’
By Grabien Staff


SALINAS: “I will be honest with you. I believe 100% he does bear some responsibility for this crisis. I haven’t heard from anybody in the administration. The president hasn’t put out a statement, the vice president, I haven’t heard from anybody. Nobody bothered to call me, anyone in the staff saying this is the federal government, we know what you are going through, this is our plan of action. Nothing. We are on the border asking for help. This is unacceptable. Just enforce the laws that are on the books. We are a nation of laws. That’s all I ask for is that it shouldn’t be like this. We should be able to enforce laws. If you want to come here, good, come legally. A lot of people have. It takes a lot of money and years to do it the right way. It’s not fair for those people that now you have thousands of people coming in without one single consequence. It’s just not fair.”

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