
Elie Honig: Jack Smith Wants ‘Donald Trump Convicted Before the Election’

‘He wants this case to result in conviction’
By Grabien Staff


HONIG: “I do agree with you, Michael. And I think any fair-minded observer has to agree with that as well. Just look at Jack Smith’s conduct in this case, the motivating principle behind every procedural request he’s made has been speed, has been getting this trial in before the election. Let’s take a couple examples. The trial date, the average federal conspiracy and fraud trial takes about a year and a half to two years between indictment and trial. In this case, we have dozens, hundreds of January 6 rioters caught on video, straightforward cases, they two were given about a year and a half to two years between indictment and trial. Jack Smith originally requested a trial date for Donald Trump, a far more complex case, five months out, he wanted a January trial, it was set for two months later. So Donald Trump was being given far less time to prepare than other defendants. And the actions this week, Jack Smith won an argument on immunity in the district court and then went right to the Supreme Court. I think the right move, I think the smart move. The only reason you ask the Supreme Court to do that on an expedited basis is if you’re racing against the clock and Jack Smith clearly is doing that here.”

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