
Eric Holder Predicts Trump Will Use ‘Paramilitary Forces’ to Rig 2020 Election

‘This president and this administration has demonstrated that they have a capacity to go lower then expected’
By Grabien Staff


HOLDER: "If you had asked me that question about any other president, I would say of course not. That’s a script from a very bad movie. But this administration, this president has demonstrated that they have a capacity to go lower than we can possibly imagine. So, yeah, I think we have to be concerned about that. His attempt to talk about mail-in voting and all the fraud that is associated with it is factually incorrect. He is just trying to set up a situation where he has the ability to delegitimize a vote that he might lose. If he loses, and I expect that he will, then we have to be prepared for what he is going to do in the immediate aftermath of such a loss, and what he will do for the time period between the election and the inauguration of the next president. We have to be prepared for things that this nation has never faced before. And unfortunately, that could involve the use of, you know, these forces. Who knows what he will do and the people who are in, as part of his administration, will support him in doing."

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