
Eugene Robinson Defends Hunter Biden’s Calls to His Father: Do You Hang up on Your Son?

‘Probably the answer is no’
By Grabien Staff


ROBINSON: "Yeah, they're trying to create a scandal or at least the appearance of a scandal, the sort of, you know, smokiness of a scandal, and just create that atmosphere without actual evidence and without an actual scandal, because I think it's pretty clear, at least so far, there is nothing there. There is nothing there. You can certainly argue that at some point, if Hunter Biden put President Biden on the speakerphone, like 20 times, you could certainly ask whether at some point President Biden might have said, 'Hey, quit putting me on speakerphone. Aren’t you having a business meeting? Like, what is that about?' But the context is that this was a sort of very fraught and sad time for the Biden family, and we know how important family is to the president. So, do you hang up on your son at any time, but certainly in a moment like that? Probably the answer is no."

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