
‘Everybody Saw!’ Cuccinelli Calls Out CNN for ‘Problem’ Edit of DeSantis ‘Listless Vessels’ Clip — Live on CNN

‘Everybody just saw there that there was a cut’
By Grabien Staff


CUCCINELLI: "Everybody just saw there that there was a cut. You cut from the beginning of that quote to the listless vessels. You just did what the problem is. So, everybody who just watched that, understand, go read the transcript, and it is not correct — "
HUNT: "Okay, fine. So, you summarize for us, what was it that he was trying to say?"
CUCCINELLI: "Well, first of all, his first point is an excellent point. This should be about America, not about individuals."
HUNT: "Fair. Okay."
HUNT: "How do we get from there to listless vessels?"
CUCCINELLI: "Yes, well, the rest of an entire paragraph, by the way. I mean, there's a pretty big gap in your cut. So, he's talking about some of the folks in D.C. who've endorsed Trump. He's talking about the more general environment. And referring to all of us collectively, we can't just sit back and take all of this, be listless vessels. We have to move ahead with a different vision. That was not Trump-assigned. And so, folks, go read the transcript. You don't have to listen to me. You go read it yourself."

(Via Mediaite)

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