
Ex-Trump Comms Director Says ‘He’s Gonna Lose in November’

‘He’ll claim that the election was rigged’
By Grabien Staff


SCAMARUCCI: “Well, I think what he’s hoping for, thing number one is money because he wants to use their money to defend himself. The second thing is violence, and I don’t think anybody is ready to do that for him right now. But I think the country has to gird for when he loses in November. And he’s going to lose in November. He’ll claim that the election was rigged. And he’ll try to foment the same type of violence that he fomented on the 6th of January in 2021. I don’t think that letter is going to cause anything on Monday, other than some money coming into the coffers. But, again, he’s bled those people out already, Abby, so there’s not a lot of money coming in.”

(Via Mediaite)

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