
Ex-WaPo Editor: Steele Dossier Is Not Discredited, ‘It Just Hasn’t Been Proven’

‘That’s the problem’
By Grabien Staff


BARON: "We had to investigate it, we had to chase down every conceivable clue, all of that. And that was totally the appropriate thing to do. And so the staff did that. They just — by the way, they just forgot to tell me about the Steele dossier, so it’s like nobody — I didn’t even know there was such a thing as the Steele dossier until much later. But they were chasing down all these clues and — and they weren’t — they couldn’t find evidence to support what was in the Steele dossier. So, you know, so my regret is that once we had done all that work and been thorough about it and exhausted all of the avenues, the investigative avenues that we could, that we didn’t step back and say, 'Okay, well, maybe this thing just is not true,' and then really take a hard look at Steele himself and sort of how this gained so much currency in certain segments of the American government and do a hard-hitting piece about the problems with the Steele dossier. It's just — you know, I can’t say that it’s been discredited, it just hasn’t been proven, okay? That’s the problem. There’s no evidence for it."

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