
Farkas: Trump’s ‘Rabid Nationalism’ and ‘Racism’ Create a ‘Very Uncomfortable Picture’ About What It Is To Be American

‘It’s appalling’
By Grabien Staff


FARKAS: “Let me say, joy — and you just corrected T you said consider it. It sounds like the lawyers, the Justice Department, the state Department, the experts are not saying there’s a green light, that there’s any grounds for deporting this man. I don’t think he’s in immediate danger. But obviously, as you said, the White House is putting the pressure on. It’s appalling. What is a green card worth? The green card means you are a resident, a legal resident of the United States. You have committed no crimes, and that you are seen as a contributing member of our society. You know, it puts all of that in jeopardy. That adds to the big picture that you’ve talked about a lot on your program. Donald Trump’s attitude towards immigration, towards citizenship, his rabid nationalism, the racism, all of this creates a very uncomfortable picture about what it is to be America and American today.”

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