
FBI Dir. Wray Refuses to Answer Whether or Not the FBI Had ‘Confidential Human Sources’ in the Crowd on Jan. 6th

‘As I sit here, I’m not sure there were undercover agents on scene’
By Grabien Staff


BIGGS: “Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reported -- reportedly has asserted that the protest crowd was filled with federal agents. Are you aware of his assertion?”
WRAY: “I am not.”
BIGGS: “Would you agree with him that it was filled with federal agents on January 6?”
WRAY: “I would really have to see more closely exactly what he said and get the full context to be able to evaluate.”
BIGGS: “How many agents were -- actually agents or human resources were present at the Capitol complex and vicinity on January 6th?”
WRAY: “Well, again, it's going to get confusing, because it depends on when we were deployed and responded to the breach that occurred. Obviously --”
BIGGS: “How -- how -- how many -- how many --”
WRAY: “-- there were -- there were federal agents --“ [crosstalk]
BIGGS: “Sure. You're talking -- and you and I both know we're talking different things here. And -- and please don't -- don't distract here, because we're focusing on those who were there in an undercover capacity on January 6. How many were there?”
WRAY: “Again, I -- I'm not sure that I can give you that number as I sit here. I'm not sure there were undercover agents on scene.”

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