
Fmr. DNC Chairman Ed Rendell Admits: Democrat Party Has Become Too Radical

‘We play identity politics — It isn’t good’
By Grabien Staff

RENDELL: "No question you are right. The core values of the Democratic Party going back 50 years are values most Americans agree with we have gotten away interest them. We play identity politics. It isn’t good. I tell my Progressive friends. I said Conor lamb will cast a very important vote and the vote that you should care most about. And that’s for the next speaker of the house. Whether it’s Nancy Pelosi or somebody else. If it’s a Democrat, we can bring legislation to the floor that we can’t get to the floor now. That’s the single most important thing. And if we want to be a party that really controls, we have to understand that in our Progressive wing has to understand it most of all."

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