
Fmr. NSA Analyst: Spy Agencies Holding Back Intel from W.H.; ‘We’ve Reached a Crisis’

‘People in Trump’s inner circle have ties to particularly the Kremlin that are deeply concerning to anyone who’s experienced in counter intelligence’
By Grabien Staff

TAPPER: "You are saying spy agencies are beginning to withhold intelligence from the white House fearing sensitive information is at risk. That’s a pretty strong claim. House fearing sensitive information is at risk. That’s a pretty strong claim. Who told you that?”
SCHINDLER: “Horse’s mouth. Friends of mine who are still in senior positions in the intelligence community. My report referenced the national security agency, NSA, my former employer which contributes the lion’s share of the intelligence that our government has, frankly. Holding back anything has a lot of important implications for our national security. I think we have reached a crisis point here.”
TAPPER: "Why would they worry about sharing information with the president of the United States, who is the commander in chief after all? Why would they not share the information?”
SCHINDLER: “Part of it is counter intelligence concerns. People in Trump’s inner circle have ties to particularly the Kremlin that are deeply concerning to anyone who's experienced in counter intelligence. There is that reality. On top of it, trump blows off a lot of his intelligence briefings. The president’s daily brief, the famous pdp, most sensitive intelligence document in the world is something he gets intermittently. He is having his national Security Council often distill it down to one page of no more than nine bullet points. Why should you put things at risk to exposure if the president is not paying attention anyway, frankly.

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